Friday, June 12, 2009

Changing Silverlight player skin for Podcast Kit for SharePoint (PKS).

Here are the steps to change the skin for the Silverlight player in PKS:
1. Choose Site Actions->View All Site Content.
2. Select "Style Library" under "Document Libraries".
3. In Style Library navigate to PodcastingKit -> SLPlayerSkins. Professional.xaml file is the default skin applied.
4. Upload your skin to this library.
5. In Style Library select "XSL Style Sheets" folder.
6. Search for professional.xaml in PKSDetailItem.xsl and change it to the xaml file uploaded in SLPlayerSkins folder in step 3.

If you have Expression Encoder 2 installed, Check "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Expression\Encoder 2\Templates\en" directory for some skins provided by encoder. 

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